Monday, November 27, 2006


Still alive, but getting more and more worried about the indecision that my life has just became.
But let's talk about good things...
In this second hostel I meet some french people that are really nice (Alice, Audrey,Jessy and the guys that I don't remember the names - as usual). Every single girl very special in it's own way. Unfortunately the contact was very short :/ Guitar, wine, photos (always Alice - keep the pace)... I already miss that :P

En faite, tous des contactes ici sont en train d'être très rapides, mais avec beaucoup d'intensitée. Je sais pas...
Le week-end a se passé très bien aussi. Cinemas, Cafes, La loko, j'ai connu Jeff (Ami d'une amie du brésil), et quelques autres brésilliens. Et Caroline, déja une grande amie =)
Cinemas jusqu'a manitenant: Libero, Babel et un autre (j'oublié). Hier (dimanche), roller avec Caroline (nous ont, aussi, tombé ensamble - un peu drôle).
Ahn! Mon CB ne marche pas plus... cool, huh?


At 5:15 PM, Blogger Aurelio said...

Pq será que o nome dos caras tu não lembra? :]
E mano, não te preocupa com o imprevisível. Se preocupar nunca deixou as coisas mais fáceis.
Grande abraço!


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